
Stalker 2 reveal trailer wasn't actually in-game graphics - berglinsom

Favorable yesterday's barrage of Xbox reveals in a stream that has proven to be controversial, some more tidings has popped up about one of the games: the Sneak 2 disclose prevue wasn't actually in-game footage.

The information was revealed in a new FAQ on the crippled's official internet site which answered roughly questions about this long-expected upcoming deed from GSC Gamy World. The developers confirmed that we didn't see genuine game graphics in a sort o roundabout way, expression that the trailer rather demonstrates "the level of art and atmosphere we are aiming to achieve on release."

That same FAQ does inform us that the studio ill-used "factual in-game models" to produce the trailer, but there's more to a game than just that. The mote personal effects, lighting, and general graphical detail aren't really done with until a game goes gilt — everything we saw was cut-made just for that trailer.

To put it another means: no, the Stalker  2reveal trailer did non just give us our first face at the game in action. Information technology's a wonderful concept for what its developers calculate to do, only that's nigh it.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 reveal trailer anomaly

The FAQ also reveals that Sneak 2has been hit by a delay. Two years past, the gamewas primitively announced as targeting a 2021 release. Like a sho, the developers have walked that backward and said that its release date has been moved back, with nobelium new date confirmed.

Bear in mind, GSC Game Worldwide weren't the solely developers who left out important inside information about what they were showing. Microsoft themselves dropped the ball in a similar fashion with theHalo Infinite reveal; the YouTube verbal description on the standalone trailer notes that it was "captured in real-time and representative of the get connected Xbox Serial X running at 60FPS and capable 4K resolution." In other speech, that wasn't the literal bet on jetting on Xbox Series X hardware, either.

Graphics on the level of what we've seen in the Stalker 2 reveal trailer are certainly attainable even on current-gen consoles; anyone who has played the likewise-themedMetro Exodus is well aware of what a dedicated developer can do to make a console stake great. For now, you can check out theStalker 2 let on trailer below as we hold back for GSC Secret plan Humankind to make its ambitions a reality.


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